Thursday, April 26, 2012

The hospitalisation

Under constant supervision to make
sure nothing was getting worse
After a long and stressful journey we finally got back to London late Saturday night. On Sunday I was exhausted and my body felt sore like when you got high fever but I thought I was probably just tired from the trip the day before. However, on Monday I started to feel even worse and I had this weird pain in my chest that disturbed me during school but the pain went away in the evening so I wasn’t too worried about it.

Then super early the next morning I walk up with a pain so severe I can only compare it to the time when I hit the ground from 9 meters in a climbing accident. We decided that it was probably best if I went to the hospital to get checked up. At the hospital the first test came back with a clear message, something was wrong with my heart, the test result was equal to someone who just suffered a heart attack. During the day I was tested for many of the most common problems but they could still not fully understand what was wrong.

Later that night I was transported with an ambulance to a close by hospital specialised on heart problems. I spent the next 3 days at the new hospital where they I had to go through even more tests to make sure nothing was missed out.
The food was good though :)
 On Friday evening when the last test result came back the doctors could finally agree on what they thought were wrong and decided it was safe for me to leave the hospital. I have an inflammation of the heart muscle caused by a virus, which means no school in two weeks and no physical activity for 4-6 weeks. Not much I can do, just follow the doctors advice and stay positive because it could have been much worse…


  1. Hope you get well soon Oscar and that you are not too bored at home :)

    1. Thank you Anne! A bit bored but it's fine... Get to watch a lot of movies.
      See you soon!

  2. Hey dude hope u get better soon! nice blog - Gaston

    1. Thank you Gaston, I soon be fine again! Great that you like it.
      // Oscar

  3. Oscar, jag förstår att det är en mycket tung tid just nu. Du tränar och planerar för en bra klättersäsong 2012 och helt plötsligt inträffar det otroliga för en mycket fit 16-åring, hjärtproblem!! Nu gäller det dock att tänka positivt - Du kommer inom sinom tid vara åter på vägg/klippa och då med ny erfarenhet och stryka som kommer att hjälpa dig i livet framöver!

    Keep Calm Carry On


    1. Tack för de kloka orden! Det kommer bli bra väldigt snart, får se till att göra som gången innan att komma tillbaka med ett starkare sug vilket gjorde att jag klättrade bättre!


  4. Great blog Oscar! and i hope you get better soon and come back to school

    1. Thank you Lucas, one more week at home before I'm allowed back to school.
      See you you then, we have a green house and knife stand to build..

  5. Oscar,
    Ta det lugnt o vila tills allt är bra! Klipporna o lederna finns kvar, nu kan du ta dig tid till annat som du kanske inte hinner reflektera över annars.

    1. Hej Timo
      Jag tar det lugnt och vilar, det är det bästa på långsikt. Jag dom finns ju kvar där, tur nog, jag får bara se till att komma tillbaka starkare än någonsin :-)
      Vi ses snart
      P.S. Hälsa familjen

  6. Fan hörde att du åkt in på sjukhus!!!! Jävla hemskt, ibland är inte livet rättvist men som någon skrev i en komentar så kanske du får ny syn på saker och ting vilket kan vara posetivt. Hörde hur som helst att du kommit hem!! Fan va skönt att komma hem :) Passa på att mysa lite extra med tjejen ;) Vi hörs Oscar, krya på dig!/ Oscar R :)

  7. Jajaj så blir det ibland, inte mycket man kan göra åt det. Man får se det positivt och tänka att det kunde ha varit värre!
    Skönt var det att lämna sjukhuset iallafall.
    Hoppas Österrike var bra!
    Vi hörs Roscar
